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Conditions de reservation | Hotel San Giuseppe
Conditions de reservation

Conditions of sale

The use of the services of Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l., through the site « www.hotelsangiuseppe.it », involves the following consumer the acceptance of the General Conditions. For any further explanation, can contact us through the page Contact us.

The site www.hotelsangiuseppe.it, of ownership of the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l., introduces the hotel structure and it offers the service of on-line bookings of offers and stays..

The client can directly effect the booking from the site www.hotelsangiuseppe.it, to the conditions and the suitable prices in the site.

The booking is to consider been confirmed only following the instant payment, through on-line sure payment on the PayPal servers, or deferred, in this case the client will receive, from Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l., a confirmation of the booking with the instructions on as to make the payment.

The prices are calculated in Euro and they are comprehensive of the IVA taxes, the treatment of select stay in the booking, same and possible in demand options. The arrival in the Hotel must happen within the 24 hours from the date of arrival application in the booking. If is expected a delay for the arrival, the client it is kept to contact the structure to tell some delay. Reimbursements won’t be granted for arrivals in the Hotel over midnight of the date of arrival application.

To modify or to cancel a booking is necessary to give timely communication of it, using the form in the area
Contact us of the site, or from the telephone numbers tel. 081 8042362/3429514928, specifying the code of booking received through e-mail.

The holder of the booking, that is in the impossibility of benefit of the reserved stay, can surrender his booking to a third person that satisfies all the conditions for the reserved stay, after having informed of it the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. sending an email from the form Contact-us, within 4 working days before the date of arrival, pointing out the generalities of the cessionary. The surrender and the cessionary are solidly responsible for the payment of the sale of the price, as well as for the resultant additional expenses from said transfer.

If Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. must bring meaningful changes in the booking, the client will come informed through Email or phoned about applied changes. The client must express acceptance or relatively to the change, within 5 working days from the moment in which the change has been notified. If the client won’t give communication to the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. over the 5 working days, the change will silently be considered approved.

It is intent of the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. to reassure the client of the fact that all the anticipated services in the booking are predisposed with the maximum one some care. Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. takes for every responsibility for possible lacks during the stay , in the case in which the cause is to impute him to one breach of his. The client must show that there has been indeed a breach from the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l., in the case in which desires to effect a claim. Particularly, the Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. won’t be responsible of any service that is not expressly included in the contract. This excludes from the responsibility, for example, any additional service directly furnished from the hotel or from an external supplier, not signalled under the conditions of the offer and that has not contextually been arranged to the booking.

In the case in which is desired to effect a claim or to signal some problem, the client is kept to inform the structure through the present form in the page Contact us. The Hotel San Giuseppe S.r.l. will try to resolve the problem a soon as possible.