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Hermitage of Camaldoli | Hotel San Giuseppe
Hermitage of Camaldoli

The first church of Camaldoli was founded by S.Gaudioso, an African bishop that escaped the persecution of theVandal Genserico, and already existed in 439.

Around 1585 it was given to the abbot Giovanni Cappasanta, and afterwards to Giovanni Battista Crispo, that handed it over to the Camaldolese Benedictines.

The ancient church, in a bad state of conservation, was demolished and a new one was built, based on a plan ofD. Fontana, and it was entitled to the SS. Salvatore.

Even if the complex reflects the fifteenth century canons of the Late Renaissance period, the church, thanks to the many changes it underwent later, presents today Baroque shapes.

The interior, composed of one nave, preserves many important artworks among which the Sacra Famiglia in front of L.Giordano’s Croce and Giovan Battista Azzolino’s Miracolo
di San Bernardino, both of the sixteenth century.

For more Information consult: Wikipedia